
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Posting Accounting entries

This page of Loan Performer allows a user to post the asset accounting entries to the selected GL accounts after transactions like buying and selling of assets and depreciation at the end of the period. This keeps the record of assets up to date and posts the costs to the profit and loss account thus reducing the value of the assets on the balance sheet. The Posting tab enables you to make settings that will affect the calculation and recording of depreciation at the period end.

How to post the accounting entries

To make settings for assets postings you go to Accounts/Assets/Asset Register/Postings and a screen will be displayed as follows:

Note: If an assets is to be booked automatically to the General ledger at entry, then you need to activate the check box "The entry of asset should be booked to the general ledger" under System Configuration/Accounting/Accounts Settings. This screen will now have an option for payment as seen below:

The Balance Sheet depreciation A/C and the Profit and Loss A/C are the fields that Loan Performer uses to make an entry into the general ledger when depreciating the item. The entry of an Asset does not affect the general ledger. This only happens when you buy the item with an entry at Accounts->Purchases and Sales->Creditors Invoices.

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